alllllllllllllllllllllllrighty. so guess what? justin woody LEGITIMATELY got BAPTIZED! Yep. And after his gpa did the ordinance of baptism, he literally swam out of the font. i mean it. he swam. he wanted to do it even though it was only like three feet deep. I know! Bless his heart. I'll include fots. ( ha. colb.)
Well hello. the baptism seriously was a special little event. It was done with the primary baptisms, so we didn't have to do too much planning--which was unusual--but it was perfect for justin to be baptized with kids his own age. His dad is coming back into activity and we really feel like Justin getting baptized is the key to all of them coming together and finding the happiness God wants every family to have. I really love the Woodys so much.
Transfers are tomorrow. Yep. I don't even know what's going to go down, but I can honestly say that I feel still. It's been so beautiful being in Chula with hermana historia for these past four months (somehow that long whaaaaaaa)--and I'm grateful. That ward is like home to me; I love the people there. I know if I get transferred it'll be a little rough, but es la vida. I'm here to find teach and baptize, so the sweet relaionships we've fostered with these people have got to take second place to my calling from the Lord. So.. I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord. I'll let you know next week.
It's been freeeeeeezing here. seriously. it's a different kind of cold than utah.. it's like moist and so cold. funny that bro is dying in heat!
so the killpacks came in this past week.. twice! they are SO nice. thank you so much for the goodies!!! my goodness! i hope you enjoy the ornament. :) i'm so excited about it! that was a tm that shelb popped in for a second--somone had just barely given me that ornament! stick it proudly on the tree. :) a woman here made it.
at district meeting last week someone shared a story about a lady who got baptized and received her patriarchal blessing. it said that she would have been baptized 40 years earlier had the missionary accepted his call. THIS WORK IS SO IMPORTANT FOR THE LIVES AND SALVATION OF OTHERS!
I have an immediate assignment for everyone within hearing (sight) of my voice (words): Go and read "Candle of the Lord" by boyd k packer IMMEDIATELY. I read it this morning and my mind literally exploded. Not really, but it's sooooooooo good. So so so good. Please. Go and do. Like Nephi.
"Y ahora quisiera que fueseis humildes, que fueseis sumisos y dociles; faciles de persuadir, llenos de paciencia y longanimidad; siendo moderados en todas las coasa; siento diligentes en guardar los mandamientos de Dios en todo moment; pidiendo las cosas que necesiteis, tanto espirituales como temporales; siempre dando gracias a Dios por las cosas que recibis. y mirad que tengais fe, esperanza y caridad, y entonces siempre abundareis en buenas obras." alma 7:23-24. mosdef been a theme scrip as of late. i have been thinking SO MUCH about humility since i got to sanD. I feel like EVERYTHING comes back to humilty (or the lack thereof). and same with meekness--it's something i don't really understand, but i'm praying for it.
I LOVE this quote from Brigham Young. It's so neat that this historic site, with all the descendants of the mobat coming through, are direct fulfillment of this prophecy!
"Bretheren, you will be blessed if you will live for those blessings which you have been taught to live for. The Mormon Battalion will be held in honorable remembrance ro the latest generation; and I prophesy that the children of those who have been in the army in defense of their country, will grow up and bless their fathers for what they did at that time. And men and nations will rise up and bless the men who went in that battalion. These are my feelings in brief respecting the compnany of men known as the Mormon Battalion. When you consider the blessings that are laid upon you, will you not live for them? As the Lord lives, if you will be live up to your privileges, you will never be forgotten, without end, but you will be held in honorable remembrance forever and ever." -Brigham Young
Incredible. I love serving here. I have learned so much... it's so different than i thought it would all be, but i am profoundly grateful. I know that this is God's true church, again established on the earth, and that we really do have living prophets leading and guiding us today. I love the words of God, and am soooo grateful for the scriptures and for modern day revelation that bring me suuuch peace and comfort and guidance. I know that Heavenly Father has placed us all where we need to be, and that we pass through certain experiences for a wise purpose in Him. this is His work. He's involved. He's overall. I know it.
Life is beautiful. I love you all. I pray for you. Thank you for all you do. I hope you have a wonderful week! Hasta ver la proxima.
Hermana christensen
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Christmastime at the San Diego Temple! |
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