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Us at a Noche de Hogar with some great members. ( FHE ) |
Hey there! Well.. this week we had a few solid citas ( appointments ) and a great time here in the office. Its SO fun to live with Elder Poulsen I can´t lie. We always find ourselves talking about people..... our old friends. We wonder who has made it and who hasn´t... Who has the vision of life clear and who doesn´t. Maybe where these people are... Its amazing to me how the mission changes your forma de pensar... The way you think as a person.. I tend to think about my old habits... or maybe some big mistakes I made in the past. By that, I can focus on what I need to do for the future. The way that I can prepare myself and make the conversion process be constant. I want that. I NEVER want to plateau as a member. I never want to just hit some point where I don´t learn anymore... I already know that if I continue to practice the same principles of the mission afterwards that that dream will come true and I will continually CRAVE the gospel. The scriptures. The Sacrament. Maybe that sounds weird coming out of my mouth... I think a lot too about a quote I heard that goes something along the lines of... " I asked for two years of work not two years of time." How could someone go on a mission and then come home NOT CONVERTED??? How can a return missionary just go home and forget what he taught for two years?? It´s because they were NEVER converted to what they were doing. They never dedicated themselves to the people and gave their WHOLE heart to the work... They were always holding on to something from home.. Or thinking about afterward without ever really focusing on the now. So then, when its not obligatory to study, pray, or go out to proscelyte, the habits disappear! They quit practicing them! That my friends is when the progress stops. It is important that we all recognize that. Progression and conversion are CONSTANT if we make them that way.
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Elder Monsen and I on our 15 month day.
Do we look the freaking same? |
Anyways, we had a couple great citas and we were able to resolve some BIG doubts. It´s amazing what the Holy Ghost can do to people.... The first time you teach them they are negative nancys... They don´t want ANYTHING. But with time, prayers, and visits, the spirit touches them and they change.. They start to see the light. That is when the vision becomes clear and I LOVE it when they reach that point. Then they just open up! They let their feelings pour out and they progress. We have a joven named Carlos who is going to have his baptismal interview tomorrow. He is amazing. He was definately prepared a long time ago for this... Smart as a whip, commits, follows through, DESIRES the change. Definately a wheat among tares. I have been so impressed by his attitude and the vision that he has so clear. He lives with like 12 people in a tiny little home.. He will be the only member there. We were talking about it, and the world is SO BAD! Its like.... We are literally in Babylon no joke. You have no idea what its like to be a white kid walking around here. They just LOVE that blonde hair and blue eyes thing.. So people do some really dirty things while we´re walking.. or they yell garboo.. I think that for the most part the members of the church have the vision mas que claro. Like super clear. We MUST obey the prophets words. We have to be an example for the rest! It´s like you said Dad.. There are some people in the world who carry the rest. It´s SO true. A scary amount of true. Us as members need to carry everyone else. ( Get Carried!!) I´m proud to be a member of the church and mas encima a missionary. Its the best.
Well I think thats about all I have for you today. I wanted to thank you for being who you are. Some missionaries find that its best to just forget your family so that you can work harder.. I personally find that I work harder while I think about my family... I think of the disappointment you would have if I was lazy..... and that makes me work harder. Or I think of the satisfaction it brings you when I do something correct... Kind of a backwards principle but I like it like that. I think about my family and it makes me understand how blessed I really am and how MUCH I have to do to repay and represent you. Weird I know but it pushes me along. So ya. Thank you guys for your example and all the support that I receive from your end. Truly I am grateful for who I am and the influence that I have received from all of you.
I hope you guys all have a sweet week! Remember that the spirit will always be with you as long as you are obedient to the commandments! ALL OF THEM. There aren´t only 10! Everything that the prophet says is scripture. Lets bury our weapons of war and reap the rewards. I´m praying for you all! Love you!
Elder Kurtis Christensen
Secretario Del Presidente
Misión Chile Santiago Oeste
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We got the headlight fixed! We were proud of that one! |
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