WOOOOOOOOOOOoooo! Changes have come and gone.... My new companions name is Elder Braddy from North Carolina.. I saw this kid get BORN in the mission! He has two changes less than I do and we´re already having a ton of fun here in Peñaflor. This week we walked like latter day children..... We walked and walked and walked and walked.................. Haha. The country is such a great place. Let me be honest... We just eat random stuff off of trees like plums, apple pears, and black berries... Its... wonderful. We were eating TONS of blackberries and then randomly we saw a dead cat on top of the bush... Definatelyyyyyy gross.... Spit it all out. Other funny things that happened...... I got bit by a german shepheard on the hand. My own fault for trying to play with it.. Everyones gotta get bit once in the mission right? DONT¨ WORRY THOUGH... I am already all healed up. I don´t have ANY rabies either... Last funny thing... This random girl like... proposed to my comp and I.... SUPER GROSS.... we just were contacting her sister and she was saying all kinds of stupid stuff.... The worst one was that one though..... "Just so you guys know, I´d get married to either one of you."................. Ahemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Ya...... We just laughed over that one for a few hours.
Okay now that I got all the cuestiones locas out of my mind, let me talk about the gospel. Here in our zone, we have this initiative to take our pictures of Christ around and use them to get into peoples houses... On Wednesday, we were knocking doors and we found this guy who was ticked off with the missionaries... Apparently, one time some missionaries were really mean to him in his house so he HATED them from that moment on... Anyways, after a few minutes of conversation and testimony bearing, he let us into his house... We basically just talked about God... Who he is, his natural being, what role he plays in our lives... This guy was sick! Honstly super cool. He had a few particular things he wanted us to pray for... his family is pretty messed up and they live in separate places... so he wanted to ask God for unity and blessings in his work.... He asked me to say the prayer and we kneeled just like always... I dunno this was kinda weird...the spirit was STRONG there... you could have cut it with a butter knife... I don´t even feel like I spoke during that prayer. It was like God just took over and talked through my voicebox.. This man FELT Gods spirit. He FELT his love... He just sat there for several minutes and cried....We testified that it was his spirit...Super super fuerte.. After that he gave us the tour of his house haha. Kinda funny. We´re gonna pass by there this next week.
Just wanna end with a scripture.... 3 Nefi Chapter 13
19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and thieves break through and steal;
20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Try to see with celestial eyes this week. Often times we get lost and focus on things of this world.. We won´t take any of that with us to the next life..... We need to be constantly focusing on worthwhile goals.. CELESTIAL goals.... may we lay ourselves up treasures in heaven... Hope all goes well this week. Love you all! Elder Christensen.
Pics... I only took like two.. I´ll take some with my new comp this week and send them next week! Love you! Take care! Chaoo!
Monday, February 20, 2012
2/20/2012 Elder Christensen "Busy Busy Business"
Posted by Missionary Mom at 12:59 PM
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