Dear Family,
The first day in the MTC has flown by! I don't know how anybody could possibly hate this place. I am in a threesome companionship. It is Me, Elder Monsen, and Elder Holton. We are already beginning to work together and strengthen each others testimonies. There is no doubt that this is what the Lord wanted for me. Although I already miss you guys and Steffi and Stein's endless supply of hair and slobber I know that you will all still be there in two years. The food was pretty good too, it reminds me a lot of high school. For now I love this place so much, but we will see how I feel at 6:30 tomorrow morning. I can't wait to begin the exstensive study of both Espanol and and how to teach others about this church. Our message is true and I know that. Sorry this is so short but I need to get back to my dorm and unpack. I'll be sure to write you again next friday. Thanks again for being so supportive and helping me make the right choices in my life. If it's not too much trouble please have mom mail me the picture of the Santiago Temple that is hanging on my wall. I love you all! This has already proven to be a wonderful experience and a necessary step in my overall maturity.
--Elder Kurtis William Christensen--
[P.S. Elder Monson (Jordan) is from Provo and is Trevor’s nephew (from Robyn’sside of thefamily). Also, Grandma Judy and Grandpa Glade work at the Provo temple on Fridays – his Pday!]
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