The MTC is so cool. The triple companionship is now over. My only companion right now is Elder Holton. Elder Monsen just got paired with Elder Winters who also moved into our room. I love it here so far. We have gotten plenty of sleep and waking up at 6:15 isn't even hard. I'm already picking up a decent amount of spanish and building my testimony even more.
There are several things I have forgotten that I would LOVE if you sent me... Firstly.. How important is this little number? 1) The Shoe Shine Kit. Wow. What a fail. I must have put it in my locker in the mudroom or something after Dad and I practiced. It should be there... If not, it has to be somewhere in the house because I don't have it... Second 2) My ABERCROMBIE Fierce cologne. This should be found on my headboard. Third 3) My Volcom hoodie... You should find this one hanging up in my closet. I have two volcom hoodies so be careful. Probably the best way to describe it is black with grey designs and swirls all over it. It is thrashed, and is also SIZE XXL. That should make it pretty easy to find. 4) My Brown BASS Mocassins. These should be on the first or second shelf of my closet. If not maybe they are still lingering around somewhere in the mudroom. I only have 6 minutes left so I gotta make this quick. Tell everyone out there hello from the MTC.
I'm enjoying myself so much here. The spirit is incredible and also the abililty to learn is unreal. I feel like I can do anything with God's help. Thank you all SO much for all the letters. I would love it if I could get something each day from someone out there as a little pick me up! The goodies have been well enjoyed by my entire zone. Thanks so much for all of that! Tell Tawny that it is OK for her to read my Patriarchal Blessing, not even a big deal to me! Once again thanks for all the love and support.
I'd just like to close by bearing my testimony in spanish..
Tengo una tesimony que la iglesia de Jesucristo es la ultima iglesia.
Se que Jose smith es una profeta de Dios.
Se que El Libro De Mormon es verdadero y puede ayudamos en nuestros vidas.
Amo me familia y mi oportunidad servir un mision
En el nombre de JesuCristo, AMEN.
LOVE YOU ALL. One minute left! Until next time,
---Elder Kurtis Christensen---
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