I freaking love the packages I get from you. Vitamin waters are absolutely PERFECT. Keep doing that the exact same way. Focus is my favorite! Also thanks for all the jerky and newtons. All the elders in my zone thank you for the cookies and also thank Tawny please for the chex stuff! I don't have enough time to write everyone and tell them thanks for all the stuff I've been getting, please thank Robin for the easter basket! Also please thank Stacy for the easter candy and the whole family for supporting me so much! Devin wrote me a nice letter too please let him know also! My friend elder ellis says thx so much for all the food too. He is black and always hungry. But literally... he is black. Right now I only have 17 mins left and colby won't respond to my email. :( I'll try to get a couple handwritten letters out today also but I'm a little overwhelmed! Please tell Tawny thanks for EVERYTHING and that her april fools joke was so homo. I was pissed as I read her letter thinking I was going to miss a wedding. Haha what a tard. Please tell Dad thanks for all the dear elders! If I get one letter or dear elder a day I would be extremely pleased. There is nothing like going to the mail room and finding something sent from your family. I love the Jazz/Dog updates. I miss my pups! The laundry room is crazy and it's kinda hard for me to concentrate! Lets talk biz. The MTC is still cash money. Yes it is a little bit like prison but I am loving it nonetheless. The elders in my zone are like family and they have been really nice and helpful. I love all of them! Too bad some of my favs are leaving this week. Trash. Classes are going alright. Pretty boring and repetetive but I am learning. Crazy that its already been over a week. Did you say brandon got his call to indianapolis!??!? Tell that balla he is gonna love it. He will be perfect for missionary work and will be excellent! When the busenbarks come by to look at tawns car ask haylee why she is such a slow writer haha. Not a very good penpal lets be honest. There was no GA for our tuesday devotional, it was some guy from the emeritus 70. It was still a good talk but I did end up getting bored and just goofing off with black elder ellis. What's funny is he told me to tell you that he is black hahaah. I know you will get a kick out of that . My other friend who is going to Chile is Taylor King. He is a huge balla. I also thought you would like to know that I saw grandpa today at our 7am temple session. I got to shake his hand. What a freaking sweet balla! Who knew that temple breakfast could be so good??? Also I didn't fall asleep during the movie. I was surprised by that. Thanks again so much for all the love, support, and especially prayers. I can feel your prayers every day as I try to be patient and focused. I know that the love of my family and friends is what drives me to keep going. Not that I"m struggling or anything but the thoughts of the people close to me are always in my mind. The pictures you sent me are also really awesome! My bulletin board isn't so bare anymore. It is weird that they all think Tawny is hot.... Ya... Moving on haha. Tawny may have a little bit of a problem being the only good looking sister in the mtc with another couple thousand elders. Hmmm... Ya... Just a warning. But anyways I gotta go! Hope to keep hearing from you soon! I will go back to my dorm and write you some more handwritten! Love you all!
Tengo una testimonia muy fuerte de este iglesia. Yo se que Jose Smith fue un profeta de dios. Yo se que restauro el evangelio en estes dias. Yo se que Jesucristo es el hijo de dios y el salvador de el mundo. Yo se que sufrio por nuestros pecados. Yo se que el libro de mormon es la palabra de Dios y es verdadero! Amo mi familia y amigos y la iglesia de jesucristo. En el nombre de Jesucristo, amen.
--Elder Christensen
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