Elders Christensen & Stoddard the AP! |
Hey I have like ten more minutes but the sister missionaries showed up and they don´t have any more computers.. So we´re going to end a little early and let them take our computers... Okay..: So know that I love you all very much and I look forward to chatting up a storm this next week. HEY THANKS again for all the SWEET stuff in that package.. I should be GREAT on toothpaste floss and bleach for A LONG TIME!!! Also the slippers rock and all the food will make me very much fatter. The Lays and jerkey are great and the chex are already dead. Killed them. ALL GONE. Love you all. I appreciate you very much. You´re in my prayers. Enjoy this ONE picture of me and my mission dad. Elder Stoddard the ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT HAHA! Have a great week ciao!
I am soooooo hot and I hate my Judy skin! |
1.. Check that sick tie out!!! Right now doing internet
2.. Me and Elder Stoddard.
I DO want to tell you that I DREAM AND TALK IN MY SLEEP in pure spanish!
Have a great week. Love you all. Ciao.
I CAN¨T EXPRESS IN WORDS HOW MCUH I LOVE YOU AND HOW GRATEFUL I AM!!! IF I COULD CALL YOU AND EXPRESS MYSELF I WOULD!! I feel like my email is nothing that it should be but i gotta go. Ciao!
Love you all a bunch. Talk to you next weekkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE CHURCH ROCKS AND ITS TRUE!! Ciao! Elder C
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