Boxes of BOMs!!! |
Hello to all the friends and family over there in the states! How is everyone doing? I sure hope all is well and that you are all fulfilling with your new years resolutions and progressing wherever you may be. Remember the most important thing is that you LIFT where you stand and help out! It doesn´t matter your church calling or your occupation or anything! Just lend a helping hand. I read a story this week in a stack of papers sent to me by my crazy brother in law about a nerdy kid who was walking home from school and a bunch of bullies pushed him over... Another kid helped him out and invited him to play football.... They ended up being best friends... When they were going to graduate from high school the nerdy kid gave a speech and ended up explaining how he was going to kill himself that weekend and had finished up cleaning out his locker so that his mom wouldn´t have to do it... Then a strange kid helped him out and ended up saving his life... What if the boy had never helped? There you have it.... Read Alma 37:6... By small and simple things great things are brought to pass. Had he not helped the other boy likely would have committed suicide. That is my invitation this week to you all! Break out of your comfort zone and talk to someone or lend a service that you usually wouldn´t. One thing I´ve learned here on the mission is that when you get a spiritual feeling... satan tries to convince you otherwise.... The spirit says...HEY ELDER GO TO JOSE´S HOUSE RIGHT NOW.... Then satan says... Naaaaa but its hot... or... Naaa jose won´t be there right now.... I´ve had times where hes gotten the best of me... then I´ve had other times where we´ve gone and HAD MIRACLES!! Sometimes its not even that person that is prepared! Maybe we had to go to Jose´s to find a new investigator along the way... That is how the spirit works... Guides me in a way that I know and recognize then puts something or someone new in our path... FOLLOW THE SPIRIT THE FIRST TIME AND DON¨T CONVINCE YOURSELF OTHERWISE.. If that didn´t sink in re-read it please. Its SO important.
The work is GOING. Elder Garcia and I are great friends and we´re working hard... So I did manage to freak myself out this week. Late night conversations as Elders are just weird let me put that out there right now. Usually about some stupid doctrinal question or something that makes no sense at all. However, This week we got on to talking about the army I HAVE NO IDEA WHY. Turns out that my comp is A GREEN BARET in Bolivia... CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY. I got soooo weirded out as he proceeded to tell me that he has killed like hundreds of people in battle..... Is that an interesting thing or what?? Needless to say I did sleep with fear hahahaha. One post traumatic stress dream and I´m dead!! hahah!! Na its just a joke but cool huh? I would have never ever ever thought that about my companion. The mission is like a cake walk for him.
We´re preparing a lady named Patrecia Madriaga for baptism!! She´s accepted to do it before I leave this sector... It will be the 29th or 30th of this month!!! We have to teach slowly like we never have taught before becuase she´s a little slower to understand but shes great! It´s the mom of a recent convert in our sector and she already believes in everything.
La obra del Señor es lo mas importante aca en esta tierra. Hay mucha gente que todavia estan esperando por el evangelio maravilloso que nosotros como miembros y misioneros tenemos en nuestras vidas. Por eso es tan importante que compartamos con TODOS. The work is true... The Church is true.. We are GUIDED by a living prophet of God. The Book of Mormon is SO amazing and I have grown to love it. Its like reading the book of life. The blueprint of my existence and what I need to do to be happy! Its so amazing. Í wonder how I never read it before..... Its like it was written for me.... I also love the stories... Its just amazing overall and I want everyone to read it and apply it!
I also want to throw a special shout out to my dad Willie whos about to turn 50!!! He may look 35 ladies and gentleman but you heard the word from me. I can´t lie as an Elder. 50 years of goodness! If you get a chance give him a hug for me and wish him a happy birthday.
My Dad "Willie" |
Everyone have a great day. Keep working like it matters! The Church is true!!! Love you all. Elder Christensen
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