Here I am once again! Looks like I´m almost out of time for my pday.. Which is WEIRD since I´m an office elder and that NEVER happens to us haha. Normally we´re bored and looking for stuff to fill our time, What we did was WAY fun though. President invited the office staff to his house for a little pday activity! Wayyyy fun. We drove up there which took like 35 minutes ish... then we played all kinds of fun games like volleyball, basketball, bachi ball, ( Bah-chee?) etc... We were there until like 3 o clock! All day! So it was a super sweet pday that I thoroughly enjoyed! The Kings ROCK! Bottom line.
Us at our noche de hogar with Gladys, patricia, Ximena and Valentina. Ximena is the blonde lady on the far right. GOLDEN |
Alright... not tons of news this week but it was still a great one.. Remember Ximena? Our golden investigator? Well two sweet things happened. First.. We left her a little bit of homework.. To study up about the sacrament and then teach us a little ten minute class about it for our family home evening... Normally what happens when you do this is that they forget or they just get super lazy and don´t end up doing a thing. WOW were we surprised to walk in and see a styrafoam poster board that had all the information about the sacrament pinned on it! Then she blew us away with a SICK class that she prepared and the whole time I was freaking out literally.. Shes SO powerful! Shes just got this fire and wants to keep learning more and more and more. Then we went back to their house yesterday... We read 2 Nefi 31 about baptism... Super great... I had a little spiritual experience that was amazing... One of the members who lives in this house with Ximena asked me a question... So as we do as missionaries I tried to think of a scripture to answer it. I had the thought to read this scripture that popped in my mind... I thought and thought and thought.. WHERE COULD IT BE!?!?!? After a minute I said... Well lets just keep reading and then I´ll find it after.. Near the end of reading the chapter, it was this lady´s turn to read again (Gladys) and SHE READ THE SCRIPTURE I WAS LOOKING FOR!! I was taken back by the spirit... It was increeeeeedible.. The scripture was 2 Nefi 31:19.. Shes a bit inactive and we were trying to stress the point that NOT EVERYTHING IS DONE WITH!! She MUST keep progressing as with every single one of us.. That was awesome. A super powerful lesson. We also asked them to recite the ten commandments and the plan of salvation which we had previously taught as kinda a little quizzy. They RIPPED IT APART!!! All ten commandments with their finger signs RECITED BOOM!!! Then they explained the plan of Salvation.. We helped a little bit with my little laminated cut out picture things... We were about to finish when Ximena asked her daughter Valentina (9 yrs old) if she would like to be baptized with her.. She practically screamed yes and they had a hug and a touching moment. Sweet lesson. That was our spiritual blast for the weekend. I wish I could fill an email with story upon story but the bottom line is we dont get out to work in the sector a ton!! I´m going to start writing something little in my planner every day that I can fill you in on. That should make for more interesting cartas. Okay family.. I love you tons! HOPE YOU ENJOY THE ATTACHED PICS!!! I tried to take a couple good ones for ya. I´ll do better this week. Remember to LIFT WHERE YOU STAND this week and work work work! You never know when someone is watchin you and actually learns from your good example. You´re all in my prayers.. Much love,
Elder Kurtis Christensen
Secretario Del Presidente
Misión Chile Santiago Oeste
Elder Poulsen, and I. Way sweet picture.
You like that tie mom? I sure love it :) |
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