Tuesday, July 13, 2010

7/13/10 Hermana Christensen

Hello, all!

Well well well, here we are again. Another Tuesday. Crazy! How is everyone? How is Nicole? How was Carter's baptism? That was so nice of Trev and Rob to send me the little invite thing; what a stud Carter is! Tell them thank you for thinking of me. And also tell them thank you for the letter opener! What a treasure! Allllllllllso, a huge thanks to Mel. What thoughtfulness. Seriously. I never really know how she remembers stuff. Thank her from the bottom of your heart from me. Also tell Stacie and the Brent crew that their package is UNBELIEVABLY thoughtful. Even with all they're going though, they still make the time to reach out to serve me? What in the world. People are too dang nice. I really appreciate it. I went throught some old letters today to organize stuff and I felt overwhelllllllllllmed; so many people have written me, A, and B, so many people have written me such amazing, supporting things. I'm so grateful for your love and support! I am SO GRATEFUL. Thank you so so much!

I never what to say other than that it was a good week, because it always has been a good week. I dont' think I've mentioned this yet; well, first of all, I love my branch presidency. They are the nicest, neatest, most inspiring men ever. President Dennis remembers gpa from the byu days (he taught portuguese), actually. His first counselor is my absolute hero, Brother Hollister. He has shared some absolutely profound things with me that I sincerely believe were inspired---things I neeeeeeeeded to hear. But anyway, the point is, among all the amazing stuff he's said, he promised hermana livingston y yo, "You will never have a bad day on your mission. You will have bad moments, yes, but something good can come from any day." I can't even summarize what he said, ha, that sounded so useless. But anyyyyywyay, the point is that this week was hard, dang it was! But, at the same time, it was also alright. I see my blessings. I feel the Lord's love. I'm understanding. Im' seeing. I'm learning. I'm growing. I'm loving. I'm trying to do all I can to be all he wants me to be. So it was a good week.

I studied la esperanza this week, or hope. Listen to what GOLD this is:

"Hope is like the sun, as we journey toward it, it casts the shadow of our burden behind us. Hope sweetens the memory of experiences well loved. It tempers our troubles to our growth and our strength. It befriends us in dark hours, excites us in bright ones. It lends promise tyo the future and purpose to the past. It turns discouragement into determination." James Esdrus F quoting Samuel Smiles.

Hope is something that I can focus on. I wish I could just share all that I found on it during my studies! Ah. "Real hope does not automatically spring eternal unless it is connected with eternal things." Hope is retained through faith in Christ. Faith in Jesus Christ is where ALL things stem from. So when we go out on missions, our purpose is to bring people the restored gospel of jesus christ through faith on their part! The gospel all fits together so well.

I feel so ooososososoosos blessed to be here doing this. I love being able study the gospel all day, it is unreal! It makes sense and rings true. How on earth do people survive without it?

A few sundays ago I had a neat excperience; while we were listening to the devosh speaker, I had the most... I dunno, tangible dejavu I've ever had before. The speaker advised to us to do something, and in my mind I saw myself already doing it, but in my heart I knew it was what I was doing it. Wow that sounds awfully strange--it was a little reaffirmationt to me that I am in the right place. In my mind I saw myself doing what I'm doing--what I'm doing right now. I'm beginning to learn and feel that this, me feeling a mission, is bigger than I thought. I'm feeling the covenants I made before coming to this earth.. promises I made to come and do this. This experience was spiritually created for me long ago. Now i'm physically creating it.

Funnies for the week:

"Elderes, estan casados?"
Intentions: Elders, are you tired?
Reality: "Elders,a re you married?"

You know the Gollum voice? I can't even spell that. But! You know it? Well Elder Armstrong can do it soooo well. So the funny for the week was him saying saying the grammar principles we were working on (Past Subjunctive) in spanish. yeah...  As if that wasn't enough, we then got into spanish Yoda. Ha. The way Yoda talks actually is quite like spanish.

So I don't think I'm supposed to say this, but just DONT' WORRY. okay. so on wednesday night there were tonsssss of cop cars here. I know,right? what entertainment for us! (so desperate.) We found out the next day from our teacher's neighbor who was out running that night and got stopped by the police and detoured from the mtc that there was a man in camo from head to toe in front of the mtc (and NIGHT!) with a rifle... um question mark?

Wellp i'm just abuot out of time. a few things:

okay. i'm resorting to all kinds of acts of desperation: is there any way you could maybe deliver taco bell? hma l loves it and has been craving. the food is depressing and i've resorted to eating my own limbs. dangit. i can't find the list of a few things she likes. i know she likes gorditas and the burritos... i'll send it in the letter. but maybe thursday? for dinner? let me know, but put it on a postit or something because i don't always have time to read your letters! I LVOE YOU.

also, will you please send a pink shirt in my drawer second fromt he top? its american apparrel and it's wayyy plain jane. totally simple short sleeved round neck. THANK YOU!

ma, thank you so much for taking care of jesse. i've been super worried and mindful of that boy. mono, tonsilitis, skin craziness.... that boy has got a lot on his plate. please take good care of him. i know you will, and i'm grateful. thanks for doing that. make sure he knows that i love and appreciate him so incredibly much.

family. i love you. i'm so grateful for you. your love and support means the WORLD!


tawn....hermana christensen