My new companion Elder Hernandez and I at district meeting!!! |
Dear Family and friends!! Wow what an amazing week here in the lovely country of Chile! Let me just start out this letter by saying.... I LOVE GENERAL CONFERENCE!! Wow Elder Johnston is right! Its better than being in Hawaii and sitting in a hammoc! (I´m sure that Kristen and Willie can tell us differently) I just feel the spirit AMAZINGLY strong when I listen to the beautiful choir, and the wonderfully inspired talks of our prophet and apostles! I just think I took it all for granted when I was at home. Unbelievable how much a person can learn! I took SO many notes! I´m hoping that we can all apply all the things that we can learn and make this world a better place one Christ-like act at a time. I got my new companion! He´s awesome! His name is Elder Hernandez. He´s from El Salvador. My Zone Leader asked me what I wanted in my next companion... I told him... I want an OBEDIENT Latin who wants to work hard! That way I can keep being obedient and doing the work WHILE growing to be better with the spanish at the same time. What did I get?? Exactly that!! The Lord grants us unto our desires. I´ve found that since I´ve been living with only Latins as of lately that I really am getting so much worse at english!! I spell prophet profet hahah. It happened in this letter once already and I changed it! Its just such a great thing that the Lord does in helping me to learn this language! Our sector was a little destroyed. We are having such little success. Nobody has time to even listen to something they dont even know how wonderful it is. One man even went as far as to tell us that he didn´t care where his dead family was and wouldn´t want to live with them for eternity anyways... It confuses me a little bit is all. I want to just PLANT my feelings inside of somebody and MAKE them be converted... But they can only be saved by grace after all THEY can do. I can only give the message and pray that they accept it. Heres something scary!! As of recently we have felt three tremors. I dont know if thats the english word.. I think it is though. Tremors. Like mini earthquakes. All 3 times we´ve just been sitting there planning and WHOAH THE WHOLE HOUSE IS SHAKING!!! I mean I know we have the spirit and all but the earth was literally shaking! Scaryyyyyyyyyyy! I hope nothing happens! As far as me, I´m doing wonderful. The conference gave me the ENERGY and SPIRIT and WILL that I need to keep going. I hope all of you can do the same in Utah or wherever you may be in your lives. The gospel is SO true. Although things may not make sense... Although rules and principles may seem restricting... Take it from someone who is a missionary and sees thousands of problems daily. Obey everything. Love everything. It is the ONLY way!!!! I love all of you my family and friends who have helped me become who I am and get to this point in my life. It truly is a blessing. Much love, Elder Christensen!!!
ps Mom and dad
I LOVE YOU SO SO SO SO SOSOSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! YOU ARE IN MY THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS!! NOBODY HAS A BETTER FAMILY THAN I DO!!! Apply what you learned in conference!! Keep living every day the gospel in ALL of its forms. As a missionary my eyes have been OPENED WIDE. I hope yours can be the same. LOVE EACH OTHER and do all you can to strengthen your lives and love. Ciao... Elder Christensen.
A member made us apple pie ala mode! Johnny Rockets got owned!!! SO GOOD!!!! |
Me in front of our conference TV. IT WAS ALL IN ENGLISH! It was WAY WAY WAY cool. There were only like 6 of us in there! Best ever. It was in the stake meeting room with comfy chairs!! LOVE YOU!!!
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