Hi everybody! I feel like i'm just buzzing with things I want to tell you all! Things are going so great, really truly. Do I say that every week? Well it's the truth.
Making Empanadas with Henry & Hermana Peterson |
At church a few weeks ago we met hermano/a peterson and henry. They were uuuuber funny and we clicked immediately. Hermana Peterson told us that her brother, Enrique (or Henry), was a dry mormon--or that he wasn't baptized but was coming to church. I said, "We can help you with that," and they thought it was the funniest thing ever. We gave them our number and set up an appointment. Long story short, the appointments (plural) all fell through (satan--little s) and then they ended up moving to another ward. Tragedy. So this past Sunday brother Peterson calls us and says that Henry is ready to take the missionary discussions and that he wanted us to teach them. But it got sticky because other missionaries were already involved with teaching him... after a whole lot of confusion we went to Henry's and taught the lessons (he already had a baptismal date with other elders but had then dodged them for a week...?). We ended up getting the full truth out: they felt bombarded by the other SIX COMPANIONSHIPS of missionaries that were trying to meet with Henry. They said they felt something easy and special with us, and that they wanted us to teach him. As we've sat in their apartment teaching the gospel, it has been SO perfect. they dont' have enough chairs so we get to sit on the floor (i LOVE the floor but it's not missionary-esque.. so to have a legitimate reason to do so is wonnnnderful!), the sunlight falls on the carpet and the breeze comes in.. ahh and we just get to talk about the gospel. hermano/a peterson have strong testimonies, and there really is such an EASE about being there with them. And Hermana Peterson and her bro are from chile so it is the huuuuuuuuugest tm in the world to be there with them and to feel their sweet chilean spirit and hear their sweet chilean s-dropping accent and feel so close to my dear sweet bro who is rockin it in their homeland. I seriously cannot even describe how perfect the entire thing is, and how it's all just fallen into our laps.. and how it makes me feel so connected to my beloved family in such a simple, beautiful, heavenly way. Hermana Peterson said that they feel something special with hermana story and I, and we were talking yesterday about how heavenly father has kept us in chula vista for a very wise purpose. There are people prepared. Not just to be baptized--like henry will be THIS SUNDAY!!!--but prepared to meet US. Heavenly Father has our paths aligned in such a beautiful perfect way. There's a reason why those other six companionships weren't exactly what the petersons needed; maybe it had more to do with the petersons needing hermanas story y christensen and hermana christensen needing and loving the bond and connection with these sweet sweet people. Heavenly Father is so smart.
So Henry's being baptized. After we taught the restoration yesterday, we invited him to be baptized and he said maybe. Huh? Hm. We talked it through and invited him to read 2 ne 31 and had to jet. At nine last night, Hermana Peterson called us to say that henry had read all day, that we left a strong spirit there, and that he wants to be baptized on his birthday. Ha. We are sooo thrilled.
All is well!
We had stake conference this past week and it was SUCH a spiritual feast! (Oh, ps, transfers came and went. I'm staying with my comp in our area.) The temple prez and his wife spoke, talking about the blessings of the temple. He said, "don't let the temple just sit there empty like it did yesterday. don't let those blessings pass you by." It was powerful. I felt like the members left with a strong resolve to be better with keeping and renewing and remembering their temple covenants. The temple! Love it!
Well I gotta run. Know that i loooooooooove you and that i'm ever so uber grateful for you all. :) Enjoy the pictures of the cute cute petersons and my chilean tm. They showed us how to make empanadas yesterday. i loved it! brolee i love you mucho!
i hope everyone is healthy and happy and that halloween wasn't too dreary without kurtis out scaring people and eating all the candy. oh what fun! i love my family!
hermana christensen
"Toda cosa que invita a hacer lo bueno y persuade a creer en Cristo es de Dios." Moroni 7:16
Hermanas at MOBAT Halloween Party |
P.S. grandpa's cousin came in a few days ago.. i forget her name, dang! and the picture we took didn't send. but she's from brigham city! i showed her where to look up her ancestor and she said, "okay it's abraham hunsaker.." you can guess how THAT conversation went. tell gpa! and tell them that i LOVE them and that i was thinking abuot them last night. i have such a great family! but tell gpa i love inferno and paradise lost and that i'm going to expect some sweet discussions when i return. and how's nicole doing? and gma? and grandpas tongue? yikes. and (sorry!!!) tell mikie thanks for the emails. :) they are so great and so supportive. well, mike is i mean. thank him for always writing me. it means to much! and this friday i'm going to have COLOMBIAN FOOD!! :) i'm getting some real authentic eats here! on thursday i'm eating italian, too. can't wait! my true heritage!
and ps isn't the moon so pretty lately?! ah!
Abraham Hunsaker!!! |
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